Bloody Mary Shrimp


  • Geographic Origin: Taiwan
  • Latin Name: Neocardinia davidi
  • Other Names & Variants:


  • Colors: Red
  • Lifespan: 0 - 0.0 years
  • Average Size: 1.25 inches
  • Temperament: Communal
  • Breeding Style: More research required
  • Substrate Preference: More research required
  • Swim Zone: Bottom


The following foods are recommended for Bloody Mary Shrimp.

  • Algae
  • Flakes
  • Pellets

Water Parameters

Parameters below are based on research and fish keeping experience. Note that fish bred in captivity can adjust to different water parameters over time. Local selection may differ.

  • Water Flow Preference: Slow
  • pH: ph_more_info 6.8 - 7.5
  • Temperature: 64.0°F - 78.0°F

Tank Mates

Below are recommended tank mates based on characteristics, behavior and water parameters.

The Bloody Mary Shrimp is best kept in groups of 10.

References and Additional Information